Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Ms Wong's garden- Variegated orange plant

Sweet Variegated Orange was one of Ms Wong's favourite in her garden.
 One day, she asked if I could help her to find out the species of this orange.  She only knew the name as "Thailand Sunkist". She tried to google more details about it, but couldn't get any information. 

I took photos of this unique plant - The variegated oranges and leaves .She bought the plant from our local Saturday Market (Tamu) at Kolombong Giant Supermarket area.  The fruit can take as long as  8 months to ripe.  It was a small tree approx. 4 feet but produced many sweet fruits. It was an interesting fruit tree that I took so many pictures of it at every angle, even though i know one picture was good enough to share with everyone in the blog.

The word "Variegate" means exhibiting different colors especially as streaks or patches.
 In  Botany term, it means the leaves and orange having a second color, such as yellow and green. Scientific name is Citrus Sinensis

In the website of "Tasty Landscape", they are called Variegated Valencia Orange
while in "Lubera fruitful gardening" website, this orange is called Tarocco Foliis Variegatis

Just like in my previous chapter of the Cape Gooseberry plants, whatever species, they are still aphysalis. So, same here,  a Varieagated Orange, it is, but cant confirm which species. Does anyone know? If you have any information about it, do let me know through email at 🙏.

As I was browsing at google, I came across Amazon website, selling this 6 Litre potted plant for 58 pounds!
Most of the leaves are green, while others have a variable degree of variegation 

The leaves remind me of the Golden Pothos or money plant, Devil's Ivy.

The shape of these oranges are just like any other oranges except the surface have a
  variable degree of variegation (stripes) with ridges. The variegation is most prominent when the fruit is unripe.

Based on it's height of the tree and unique variegated colours of the fruits and leaves, they make ideal landscape plants, and are ornamental.

How do  these orange comes about?
Some believe, this species began when mutation took place on a branch, during grafting from the parents trees.- not the type of scary mutation as those cancer cells or whatever.
Variable degree of  variegation on the leaves and oranges


Abundant oranges hanging onto the branches of the short tree which took 8 months to ripe

Fragrant white flowers and the little baby oranges after pollination

Juicy sweet orange


How to grow them?
Can be in pots or ground.
 Full sun is needed.
Well drained, potty mix soil.
Add fertilizer very 2 weeks.

A month later after my visit to Ms Wong's garden, I happened to pass by a newly opened nursery near the airport. As I was browsing through the plants, I came across the same variegated oranges plants with the cost of Rm 250 per pot!!!

Variated oranges in one of the nursery near my home for sale at Rm250 per pot!

It was such a privilege to have visited Ms Wong's garden😊.
She planted so many unique plants which I have never seen or heard before.

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